Shaping the future: Our strategy for research and innovation in humanitarian response.

A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
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4 Results for Health Topics

4.6 Non-communicable disease

4.6.3 Recommendations for future research


  • The key priority for NCD research is in the development and testing of standards and guidelines for the delivery of NCD care in crisis settings.
  • The evidence base would benefit from an understanding of how current practice varies from new recommended standards and guidelines, in order to develop recommendations for implementation.


  • Attention should be paid to producing higher quality evidence. The evidence base would benefit from before and after, or, longitudinal study designs, with careful consideration of feasibility and cost, bearing in mind the movement of affected populations.
  • There is a need for sex and age disaggregated data of the pre-crisis situation.


  • Improvements to the effectiveness of delivery of NCD interventions during crises could be achieved by working with specialists in other health areas. For example, addressing nutritional standards, particularly in camp situations where support is likely to be longer term, would play an important role in the prevention of NCDs.
  • Of high priority is identification and inclusion of essential drugs for NCDs into emergency kits and the subsequent evaluation of the basic package of care for humanitarian crises.


  • There is a lack of evidence beyond the Middle East region, despite a high prevalence of NCDs in Asia and increasing prevalence in other regions.
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