Shaping the future: Our strategy for research and innovation in humanitarian response.

A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
Our purpose is clear: we work in partnership with a global community of humanitarian actors, researchers and innovators to improve the quality of humanitarian action and deliver better outcomes for people affected by crises.
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This situation analysis focuses on the interlinkages between climate crisis and humanitarian health. It aims to help us understand the evidence available and identify the key stakeholders working across the climate crisis and humanitarian health nexus. We’ll be using this report to inform how we might position ourselves in this space, particularly through our Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) programme.   

This situation analysis could be a useful resource for those outside our organisation who may be interested in understanding this landscape, its key debates, and the major actors active in this space.  

The report highlights that:  

  • Although there is a growing body of evidence on climate change and health, there is little evidence specific to humanitarian populations.  
  • There are high levels of uncertainty (amongst funders and knowledge brokers) on what to do about the evidence gap for populations already affected by humanitarian crisis.  
  • This is a fast-moving area, with a diverse and growing group of stakeholders, however in the research-policy space, humanitarian stakeholders are not well represented.  
  • Increased visibility of the needs of the humanitarian sector in conversations related to the climate crisis is necessary.  
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Next steps

In May 2025 we will be hosting a Research Forum together with APHRC, and alongside the Fogarty Institute’s Global Research Forum. Both Forums will have a focus on climate change, with one of the objectives of our Forum to “galvanise action on evidence gaps for climate-induced health impacts”.

In advance of these in person events, we jointly hosted a webinar for stakeholders to share knowledge, identify challenges, and discuss emerging research opportunities in this critical area. A summary blog and recording of the event are now available.

Get in touch

If you or your organisation work in the climate crisis and humanitarian health space, and you would be interested in collaborating with us, please reach out to We are continuing our scoping work to see where we can best support work in this area

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