Shaping the future: Our strategy for research and innovation in humanitarian response.

A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
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This study found that 85% and above of older refugee respondents in Lebanon adhered to COVID-19 preventive measures. Refusal and hesitancy were leading causes for not registering for vaccination; though a decrease is noted in wave 5 as compared to other waves. With that, nearly half of the older refugees in the study received the vaccine. Among these, almost two-thirds took two doses.

Factors affecting vaccine acceptance include older age, higher education, living outside informal tented settlements, female gender, not perceiving COVID-19 as a serious infection, using social media as a source of information on COVID-19, and perceiving vaccines as unsafe. Vaccination programs that are culturally sensitive and meet the needs of older Syrian refugees are required.

This Snapshot focuses on the findings relevant to vaccine uptake and acceptance. Additional findings and recommendations from the study, relevant to humanitarian actors who want to improve services for older refugees and reduce barriers to access are also available.

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