Shaping the future: Our strategy for research and innovation in humanitarian response.

A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
Our purpose is clear: we work in partnership with a global community of humanitarian actors, researchers and innovators to improve the quality of humanitarian action and deliver better outcomes for people affected by crises.
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Innovation is not magic. Tools, knowledge and guidance all play a role in helping us to ‘do innovation better’. Our Innovation Insights Webinar Series will share learning and insights from our hands-on experience of providing funding and support to more than 150 innovation projects over nearly a decade.

The series will highlight the challenges and pitfalls facing humanitarian innovation, and draw on new learning from our Humanitarian Innovation Guide. Whether you’re managing an innovation project, or simply interested in this inter-disciplinary area of practice, this series will help you to understand key parts of the process as well as the factors that contribute to success.

Our first webinar is now live and open for registration! Dates and times for the rest of the series will be added to this page shortly – watch this space! 


10-11am BST, 27 September 2018
From a recognisable problem to an actionable project: How to shape opportunities for innovation

The more time spent on understanding a problem, the more likely you are to develop an appropriate solution, and in a sector where resources are limited, innovation should always address a real and recognised concern. This webinar will walk through a selection of tools and techniques that can be used as part of a structured approach to gaining a deeper understanding of problems and shaping that learning into an actionable ‘challenge’ to inform the search for new solutions.


3-4pm BST, 11 October 2018
Do no harm: Towards a responsible, ethical form of humanitarian innovation

Innovation within the humanitarian space has led to the introduction of new actors, technologies, methods and products. Whilst these have the potential to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian response, they can also create new risks for crisis-affected populations and require careful reflection. This webinar will explore how we might work collaboratively towards a holistic approach that considers ethical concerns during all stages of innovation development and implementation.



2-3pm BST, 25 October 2018
Too tough to scale? Overcoming the challenges for scaling innovation in the humanitarian sector

The humanitarian sector has invested heavily in innovation in recent years, seeking new and more efficient solutions to humanitarian crises. Yet this investment is not leading to consistent impact at scale. This webinar will set out and consider the findings from new research into the operational and systemic challenges to scaling in the humanitarian sector, and suggest ways forward.



4-5pm GMT, 21 November 2018
From design iteration to evidence of impact: How to carry out a successful pilot test

A successful innovation pilot will test the solution using a robust methodology, ensure an accountable, responsible and effective process, and establish the groundwork for the next stage of its development. This webinar will explore four core functions of a successful pilot: applying adaptive management, generating learning and evidence, ensuring the right operational support, and laying the foundations for sustainability.




10-11am GMT, 28 November 2018
Beyond “beneficiaries”: Engaging crisis-affected populations as leaders, co-creators and users of humanitarian innovation

The most important stakeholders in any emergency are those affected by the crisis. Crisis-affected populations are sometimes the target group for humanitarian assistance, but they are also the first responders, and often co-develop, support, carry out and deliver humanitarian assistance themselves. Through examples from the field, this webinar will look at ways of engaging with crisis-affected populations as leaders, co-creators and users of humanitarian innovation.



12-1pm GMT, 7 December 2018
Partnerships for innovation: Managing cross-sector collaboration throughout the innovation process

Partnerships can bring fresh insights, experience, skills and knowledge whether trying to better understand a problem or develop a new solution. Looking beyond ‘traditional’ long-term partnerships, this webinar will explore the change-driven partnerships required for innovation, focusing what this looks like at different stages of the innovation process and how to identify and broker the right partnerships.


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