Shaping the future: Our strategy for research and innovation in humanitarian response.

A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
Our purpose is clear: we work in partnership with a global community of humanitarian actors, researchers and innovators to improve the quality of humanitarian action and deliver better outcomes for people affected by crises.
We empower the humanitarian community. Find out how we can support you...
Article, Peer Reviewed Capacity Development, Communicable disease (including infectious disease outbreaks), Health Systems & Services, Innovation Management, Refugees and IDPs, Water, sanitation & hygiene

Evaluation of the Safe Water Optimization Tool to Provide Evidence-Based Chlorination Targets in Surface Waters: Lessons from a Refugee Setting in Uganda

Article, Peer Reviewed Water, sanitation & hygiene

Expanding access to water quality monitoring with the open-source WaterScope testing platform

Article, Peer Reviewed Water, sanitation & hygiene

Experiences of children’s self-wetting (including urinary incontinence) in Cox’s Bazar’s Rohingya refugee camps, Bangladesh

Evaluation Inclusion of People with Disabilities and Older People, Water, sanitation & hygiene

‘Do not forget us’: the shared experiences and needs of people living with incontinence in humanitarian contexts

Research Brief Water, sanitation & hygiene

Advancements in Emergency Sanitation: Innovations in Pathogen Detection, Lime Quality Testing, and Pilot Trials

Article, Peer Reviewed Water, sanitation & hygiene

Research priorities for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in humanitarian crises: A global prioritisation exercise

Article Water, sanitation & hygiene

A cluster-randomised controlled equivalence trial of the Surprise Soap handwashing intervention among older children living in a refugee settlement in Sudan

Impact Case Study Research Uptake, Water, sanitation & hygiene

Impact Case Study: Filling evidence gaps for commonly used cholera interventions

Impact Case Study Research Uptake, Water, sanitation & hygiene

Impact Case Study: Exploring an alternative sanitation option for refugee camps

Impact Case Study Research Uptake, Water, sanitation & hygiene

Impact Case Study: Developing an evidence-based menstrual hygiene toolkit for humanitarian emergencies

Report Water, sanitation & hygiene

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Humanitarian Crises: Setting the research agenda up to 2030

Article Water, sanitation & hygiene

Effect of a Novel Hygiene Intervention on Older Children’s handwashing in a humanitarian setting in Kahda district, Somalia: A cluster-randomised controlled equivalence trial

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