A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
Our purpose is clear: we work in partnership with a global community of humanitarian actors, researchers and innovators to improve the quality of humanitarian action and deliver better outcomes for people affected by crises.
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Imagery from satellites, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and other aircraft is being generated more and more, however after a disaster it is difficult for aid workers to determine what imagery is available and where to access it. OpenAerialMap (OAM) seeks to solve this by providing a simple, open way to process and provide imagery for humanitarian response and disaster preparedness.
What humanitarian need is being addressed?
Reliable geographic information can be vital for decision making. Imagery from satellites, UAVs and other aircraft often serves as the base of this geographic information. Imagery can be utilised to create base maps of disaster prone areas, collect exposure data for risk and impact modelling and to discuss risk with communities. In relief coordination, imagery plays a similar roles as well as post-event imagery being useful in damage assessments.
How does the innovation build on and improve existing humanitarian practice?
Satellite imagery has been a component of humanitarian response for several years through the Disaster Charter. Now with cheaper satellites and the advent of low cost UAVs it is possible for more organisations and individuals to create their own imagery. With this increase in availability it is important that a service exists to coordinate such imagery and make sure responders can access it in a usable manner.
What did the project achieve?
The initial node of an OpenAerialMap was created and deployed. Detailed documentation and deployment instructions to set-up a new OpenAerialMap instance, and instructions for users, were created to support this initial node.
This project received further funding from the Humanitarian Innovation Fund to continue it’s work. You can read more about it on the project page: OpenAerialMap Diffusion.
Latest Updates
Diffusion funding received!
1 Jan 2017
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team receive funding further from the Humanitarian Innovation Fund to continue the work of this project.
Final Q&A with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
15 Jan 2016
Cristiano Giovando and Tyler Radford from the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team talk about the successes, challenges and next steps for their HIF-supported project to develop and implement an open sourced Humanitarian OpenAerialMap
After 10 months of intense design and coding, OpenAerialMap (OAM) is finally here! Anyone can now go to www.openaerialmap.org and find openly licensed Earth imagery that can be publicly used to inform humanitarian response.
OpenAerialMap - a consultative approach to innovation
29 Oct 2014
Through a consultative process two key themes have emerged, partnerships and technical design. Learn more about how the HOT are taking their innovation forward.
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) shares plans to improve the availability of open geographic data in humanitarian crises through OpenAerialMap.
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