Shaping the future: Our strategy for research and innovation in humanitarian response.

A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
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The lack of reliable zootechnical data on traditional livestock farming in Sub-Saharan countries to allow proper monitoring and impact assessment of major crisis and/or of a program on livestock based livelihoods


Creating a software for zootechnical monitoring adapted to traditional livestock farming in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Added Value:

  1. Such a tool doesn’t exist yet.
  2. The development of the methodology is based on a participatory process including the lessons learnt during more than fifteen years of field experience in the livestock sector.

In the first phase (invention) of the project, the main activities are:

  • the adaptation of the various tools for their integration into the software
  • the development of the methodological documents
  • an internal testing.

In the second phase (diffusion) are foreseen:

  • the training of local trainers
  • the testing of the tools on a larger scale (under the ongoing projects) and
  • the use of observations and proposed amendments.


This innovative tool (software) would allow the reaching of the following impacts:

  • Obtain a realistic estimation of the effects of a crisis on livestock (natural disasters, locust invasions, conflicts …);
  • Assess the impact of different types of actions conducted at the farmer’s level (effects on animal performance of family cattle and therefore food and economic security of households) and allow technical or strategic adjustments;
  • Contribute to a better understanding of data related to livestock by the state technical services and the technical and financial partners;
  • Establish a database of reference to assist in identifying new actions in small scale livestock development in similar agro-ecological zones.

Latest Updates

Crash test in Niger

29 May 2014

The team test the “Zootechnical Analysis Kit” in Niger.


First test in Burkina Faso

24 Apr 2014

The toolkit is examined by 19 livestock specialists from three different organisations in Burkina Faso.


An update from the software developer…

1 Apr 2014

On the 18th of March 2014, after some 13,000 lines of code, our development phase came to an end. ZAK is functioning, and nearly finished!


Introducing Zak (“Zootechnical Analysis Kit”)

14 Feb 2014

Zak is a tool created to provide clear information regarding the good management of livestock farming.


ZAK's Growth

24 Feb 2014

Here I am again! And I’ve grown even more since we first met… I, ZAK, will soon be ready to be put to work. My developer has assured me that I have now reached 85% of my full adult height.


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