Shaping the future: Our strategy for research and innovation in humanitarian response.

A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
Our purpose is clear: we work in partnership with a global community of humanitarian actors, researchers and innovators to improve the quality of humanitarian action and deliver better outcomes for people affected by crises.
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Mobile technology is a fast phase market and the project has to keep up with the phase to make sure that the recommended data collection tools are up to date and effective.

It is a challenge for the non-expert to find a suitable tool for mobile data collection matching their context (staffing, devices, type of survey/assessments, skill level). The Online assistant of NOMAD is the first step to guide organizations.


In emergencies, time is of the essence. Mobile data collection tools help aid organizations respond quickly and efficiently, improving operations overall.
Choosing the right technology is made simple by using NOMAD’s Online Selection Assistant. From 24 tried and tested mobile data collection tools, price tags and technical specs, the Selection Assistant customizes fits to users’ needs by asking a series of questions. At the end of the survey, the best options are indicated along with a summary report.

Once the organization knows what mobile data tools to use, NOMAD team members can train its staff how to use the tools and analyse the data and if the need be to join the operation to assist in the data collection process.

Using tools like mobile phones and software like apps, mobile data collection simplifies and streamlines the data collection process in the field. As easy as checking a box on a touch screen or sending a text message, data can be collected and stored easily during times of crisis as well as times of calm. Mobile data collecting saves time, saves money, reduces margin of error and improves accuracy.

Innovation phase:

  • Inception and project development: In 2010, the NOMAD project began, with a secondary data review based on research carried out by ACAPS, the Assessment Capacities Project, and UNPULSE. Interviews were conducted with key stakeholders and an online survey was performed. The NOMAD team then looked at the elements in separation, e.g. dividing tools that provide a Data Collection interface, a Geodata portal, a visualisation system and/or Communication element. The Online Selection Assistant was piloted and developed. The team then decided to build a service wherein experts in humanitarian information management can be deployed to provide hands-on assistance with the tools.
  • Information dissemination on the project: Now the project has reached a milestone in its live cycle where it has to be diffused among potential partners, humanitarian organization in order to build awareness about this new technology.


  • Relaunch and update the NOMAD WEB site with RSS feeds of new mobile solutions and launch and maintain the social media campaign
  • Organize workshops in order to disseminate the innovation amongst potential partners
  • Participate in humanitarian and development events in the coming 6 months in order to introduce the service to potential partners.

Latest Updates

Smartening Up at the NOMAD 2013 Paris Workshop

26 Jun 2013

A Mind Meld between Aid Agencies and Mobile Data Collection Technologists!


Getting ready for our NOMAD workshop, 15 - 17 May, Paris

15 May 2013

Last month was filled with action for us at NOMAD. We were working on the logistics for the organization of the NOMAD workshop.


Dissemination of an innovation is time consuming but very interesting…..

2 Jan 2013

The NOMAD project team give an update on their social media awareness efforts.


NOMAD Awareness Building Campaign: another step forward

23 Nov 2012

In emergencies, time is of essence. Mobile data collection tools help aid organizations respond quickly and efficiently, improving operations overall.


NOMAD workshop - Linking Humanitarian Organisations with Mobile Data Collection Tool Providers

13 Feb 2013

This workshop at the French Space Agency (CNES) headquarter in Paris, 15th -17th May, will include presentations and hands-on sessions for humanitarian organisations interested in testing and hearing more about mobile data collection tools.


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