Shaping the future: Our strategy for research and innovation in humanitarian response.

A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
Our purpose is clear: we work in partnership with a global community of humanitarian actors, researchers and innovators to improve the quality of humanitarian action and deliver better outcomes for people affected by crises.
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Past Events

Humanitarian Innovation GBV Webinar mini-series: Addressing gender-based violence in humanitarian settings

Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 December, 2024 Webinar

Join us for a webinar mini-series showcasing two Elrha-funded innovations in humanitarian gender-based violence programming, and drawing out lessons learnt in the humanitarian innovation process. If you are a donor, innovator or practitioner, this series could inform you of what to fund, how best to innovate, and how to adopt new innovations.

Global Perspectives on Climate Change and Humanitarian Health: What’s happening in the research space?

Thursday 21 November 2024, 14:00 GMT Webinar

Join us and the Fogarty International Center of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) for this webinar focused on humanitarian health research in the context of climate change. This hour-long webinar is part of a series in the lead-up to two in-person events in May 2025: Elrha’s Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) Forum and the NIH Global Forum on Humanitarian Health Research (GFH2R), both in Nairobi, Kenya. These events will bring together researchers and humanitarian organisations working in crisis-affected regions, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Participants are also invited to join an optional 30-minute session including small, interactive breakout discussions. We aim to engage a broad audience, including academic institutions, research funders, and humanitarian organisations, to enhance understanding of key issues and perspectives in this field.  

Menstrual Hygiene Management in humanitarian crises: What have we learned and how far have we come?

Tuesday 1 October 2024, 13:00 BST Webinar

Join us for a one hour webinar bringing together experts to take stock of MHM in humanitarian response. Experts from the sector will reflect on their field experiences of delivering MHM in different humanitarian settings, examine what we have learned since this research was funded about cross-sectoral best practice, and the outstanding challenges and knowledge gaps for mainstreaming MHM in emergencies.

Showcasing innovations in protection sector programming: gender-based violence and inclusion of people with disability and older people

Tuesday 30 April 2024 at 9:00AM UTC Webinar

As part of this year’s Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks (HNPW) we will be hosting an online webinar showcasing a series of innovations in Protection Sector programming in gender-based violence and inclusion of people with disability and older people. Our aim is to showcase the innovations we’ve supported – to bring these new ideas and emerging best practices to a wide audience of humanitarians working in protection, inclusion and GBV programming, as well as technical advisors, and donors.

Revealing the Landscape of Humanitarian Research and Innovation (2024)

13:00 GMT on Thursday 14 March Webinar

Join us to launch a major new report on the shape and role of research and innovation within the humanitarian system. The global launch will feature a panel discussion and will provide an overview of the current state of the humanitarian research and innovation ecosystem, presenting the principal findings and recommendations gathered from two years of global research and consultation. The event is open to all to attend, however if you are a humanitarian actor, donor, researcher, innovator or practitioner this event could provide specific insights that could inform what you fund, how best to prioritise HRI agenda, and your topical areas of research.

Regional launches: Solutions for addressing humanitarian needs – insights from regional consultations on the role of research and innovation

Multiple dates Multiple locations

Join us and our partners for a series of regional events where we explore the role of humanitarian research and innovation (HRI) at multiple levels in developing culturally and contextually appropriate responses. We will share insights from consultations examining the perceptions of regional and national humanitarian actors, and shed light on priority topics and areas that need HRI attention. The events are open to all to register and attend, however if you are a humanitarian actor, donor, researcher, innovator or practitioner these events could provide specific regional insights that could inform what you fund, how best to prioritize and topical areas of research.

Elrha at Global Conferences – October 2024

Multiple dates Multiple locations

Throughout October, our colleagues will be attending, speaking, and presenting at international conferences. We provide more details on each event, along with links to related Elrha-funded projects and resources. Some events are in-person, others are online or hybrid—you can register via the links provided. If you’re attending, please stop by and say hello.

From research to impact in the humanitarian sector: learning from R2HC case studies

Wednesday 13 September 2023, 2:00-3:30pm (BST) Webinar

Having been in operation for a decade, our Research for Health in Humanitarian Crisis (R2HC) programme has produced a collection of detailed case studies documenting the impacts of completed research studies on humanitarian policy and practice. In this 90-minute webinar we brought together experts from the humanitarian research, policy and practice sector to examine the lessons learned from the case studies and from their own experiences on the research-to-practice pathway.

Webinar series: New approaches to addressing gender-based violence in humanitarian settings

Multiple dates Webinar

Join us for a webinar series where we will be showcasing a range of Elrha-funded innovations in humanitarian gender-based violence programming. If you are a donor, innovator or practitioner, this series could inform you of what to fund, how best to innovate, and how to adopt new innovations.

Launch of the report “WASH in Humanitarian Crises: Setting the research agenda up to 2030”

Wednesday 5 July 2023, 14:00 BST Webinar

The “WASH in Humanitarian Crises: Setting the research agenda up to 2030” serves as a guide for researchers, humanitarian practitioners and funding agencies, providing a prioritised list of research questions that, when answered, will contribute to improved WASH policy and practice in humanitarian crises.

Setting research priorities for the next decade of non-communicable diseases in humanitarian response

Wednesday 4 September 2024, 14:00 BST Webinar

We hosted a webinar on Wednesday, 4 September 2024, to launch our report: “Research Priorities for Non-Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian Crises: Focus on Cardio-Metabolic Syndrome”. The event shared key findings from the report and heard from experts representing the research, practice and patient communities for NCDs in humanitarian settings. 

In Focus: The role of the humanitarian sector in navigating ethical decisions in Afghanistan

Monday 26 June 2023, 2:00pm (BST), 1:00pm (UTC), 5.30pm (AFT) Webinar

Join us for a new In Focus series, to discuss the findings and recommendations of a new rapid review, published by Humanitarian Outcomes, In Focus: The role of the humanitarian sector in navigating ethical decisions in Afghanistan.

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