Shaping the future: Our strategy for research and innovation in humanitarian response.

A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
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This study explores how unconditional cash transfers influence the ability of refugees to adhere to COVID-19 public health measures, and to access health services during a pandemic.

This report presents the first set of findings from the surveys conducted in Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement, Uganda.

Key findings:

  • Respondents were well-informed about key COVID-19 symptoms and protective behaviours.
  • Most respondents had access to water, soap, and masks to prevent contraction of COVID-19.
  • Most households reported experiencing increased food prices, job loss, business closure, or increases in prices of business or farm inputs between March and July 2020. Respondents also reported difficulties in accessing food. During this same time, food prices were elevated and monthly food and cash rations had been decreased.
  • Most respondents who needed to access health facilities were able to access them. However, some of the respondents noted challenges such lack of supplies in health facilities and lackof money to afford services or drugs.
  • Most households reported being food insecure in July 2020. However, respondents who received USD 1000 unconditional cash transfer prior to the lockdown had marginally stronger food security than households who were randomly chosen to receive their transfers later and have not yet received them.
  • Respondents who received USD 1000 unconditional cash transfer prior to the lockdown had higher psychological wellbeing compared to yet-to-receive households. However, most respondents expressed feelings of sadness and fear. These feelings were associated with a lack of resources to provide for their households and fear of contracting COVID-19.

Read the report.

Related Resources

Report Cash Transfers, COVID-19

Cash transfers and COVID-19: Experiences from Kiryandongo, Uganda. Mini-report- Round 2 of 3

Report Cash Transfers, COVID-19

Cash transfers and COVID-19: Experiences from Kiryandongo, Uganda. Mini-report- Round 3 of 3

View mini report

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