Shaping the future: Our strategy for research and innovation in humanitarian response.

A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
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Principal Investigators: Jessica E. Lambert PhD and Joop de Jong MD PhD


The purpose of this formative research is to finalise the Life Stress and Resilience (LSR) MHPSS manual and culturally adapt it for Syrian refugees in the Zaatari and Azraq Refugee camps in Jordan. The study will provide initial data on the feasibility and acceptability of the LSR manual from the perspectives of local professionals, non-specialists – community mental health workers (CMHWs), and beneficiaries. The research tool, including measures of cultural concepts of distress and functioning will be validated. Additionally, implementation considerations will be identified from a small uncontrolled pilot of the intervention.

Jessica Lambert


Somatic symptoms are common among crisis-affected populations. Although correlated with emotional distress, somatic symptoms independently predict functioning, quality of life, and increased healthcare costs. This formative study will finalize and culturally adapt an MHPSS intervention aimed at directly addressing both somatic and emotional difficulties among adult Syrian refugees.

Expected Outcomes

Results will inform the adaptation of the LSR manual to ensure acceptability for the target population before it is subsequently tested with feasibility and definitive randomised controlled trials (RCTs). The culturally adapted versions of measures validated in this study will be used in a future randomised controlled trial. Additionally, findings will inform the training process of non-specialists who will be group facilitators in the larger studies. 

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New blog on cultural concepts of distress

Mar 2024

In this blog the study team share their experiences unpacking cultural concepts of distress among Syrian refugees in Jordan. They consider the expression "Let it stay in the heart and injure, rather than going out and exposing me".


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