Shaping the future: Our strategy for research and innovation in humanitarian response.

A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
Our purpose is clear: we work in partnership with a global community of humanitarian actors, researchers and innovators to improve the quality of humanitarian action and deliver better outcomes for people affected by crises.
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Lack of supplies and long logistical chains in rapid onset disasters continues to be a significant challenge for humanitarian responders.

In rapid onset disasters simple procurement orders can take weeks or even months to arrive, impeding humanitarian operations. Research estimates 60-80% of humanitarian aid is spent on logistics, making it the most expensive aspect of humanitarian assistance. Existing supply chain practice includes; procurement, transportation, warehousing and ‘last mile’ distribution, this is often undertaken in an environment of considerable uncertainty and disrupted physical and communications infrastructure. Supply chain solutions to date have focused mainly on improving and optimising the status quo.

Field Ready provide additive manufacturing (3D printing) in the ‘field’ where rapid, low cost supplies are needed most.


This project aims to transform the way humanitarian logistics are done by disrupting and improving supply chains through the use of technology, especially 3D printers (3DP), engaging and training local people in this approach. 3DP provides one way to disrupt the current challenges of providing relief programmes with the right supplies and may also help overcome barriers to importation that governments sometimes impose. International humanitarian response has yet to take full advantage of the opportunities afforded by such recent technological advances.

After a HIF invention grant to pilot this technology proved successful, continued funding enables the development of this innovation by documenting and creating practical action plans and guidelines with the aim of scaling up this innovation in the humanitarian sector.

Field Ready is now transforming how aid is provided by moving manufacturing to where items are needed and training others in these skills, we have now demonstrated the potential in Haiti and Nepal in the health and WASH sectors, and have identified need in other responses and have developed our capacity to do so.


This project has the potential to revolutionise the delivery of aid by significantly reducing procurement costs, shortening the duration of the logistical cycle and dramatically improving the ability to meet unique and difficult to fulfil needs in the field. If the innovation is successful and taken to scale by the humanitarian system, the following impacts are expected:

  1. Survivors of humanitarian disasters will get critical lifesaving supplies when, where, and how they are most needed
  2. Humanitarian supply chains will ensure the most efficient and cost effective distribution of humanitarian supplies
  3. Disaster rehabilitation will be expedited and more cost efficient
  4. Communities devastated by disasters will be empowered (with knowledge, skills, and equipment) for economic growth and resilience.
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Latest Updates

Field Ready’s Journey to Scale – what have they achieved? Vlog #5

03 Mar 2019

Field Ready’s Journey to Scale – what have they achieved? Vlog #5


Scale Vlog #4: The future of humanitarian aid

01 Nov 2018

In their new vlog Field Ready explore what the future of aid should look like, and how their journey to scale plays a role.


Scale Vlog #3

05 Oct 2018

Field Ready are continuing their Journey to Scale in Nepal, carrying out needs assessments on medical items in remote and cut-off health posts


Scaling into New Country Programs

14 Jun 2018

We have many new projects underway and have made substantial progress on our journey to scale. Here is a snapshot of the progress we have made in addition to our ongoing projects


Field Ready DIP Final Reflections

15 Mar 2018

During the course of our Core Grant we have achieved many of the outlined deliverables and made immense progress on our work to alter the current trajectory of humanitarian supply chains.


Scale Vlog #2

24 Oct 2017

In their second vlog the team go to South Sudan to help NGO Water for South Sudan to create replacement parts for well drills in the field.


Field Ready Scaling Update

24 Oct 2017

Field Ready update us on their projects in Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Nepal, and the Caribbean.


Scaling in New Countries, Scaling in New Ways

7 Aug 2017

Field Ready has been making strides and can further attest to the need to transform humanitarian supply chains and the way aid is delivered worldwide. In addition to our ongoing activities in countries like Nepal and Syria, we have extended our activities in several new places.


Field Ready’s first vlog on the #JourneytoScale

17 Jul 2017

Field Ready begin their journey to scale.


Field Ready is shrinking the supply chain

17 Jul 2017

Humanitarian supplies made in the field: It’s a simple idea with profound and far- reaching implications.


Field Ready receive Journey to Scale grant

18 Oct 2016

This project is one of three to be given a HIF 'Journey to scale' grant.


News from Nepal

12 Oct 2015

The team go to Nepal to manufacture important items in the field and train others to do the same.


Project on TEDx

15 Sept 2015

Dara Dotz presents the project at TEDx in Kansas City.


Article on

06 Apr 2015

Power to the People — 3D Printing Being Used in Disaster Relief


Heading to Haiti

15 Jan 2015

The team are back in Port-au-Prince to meet with partners and maximizing the printing they've been doing.


Passing on skills…

18 Dec 2014

The team are printing and testing the fabrication of few medical disposables such as oxygen tube connectors, and providing introductory training for five aid workers based in Port-au-Prince.


Field Ready begins in Haiti

10 Nov 2014

Field Ready is based on a simple idea: make useful things where they are needed. It is possible to transform and disrupt current logistical supply chain practices this way. A good place to try this out is Haiti.


See the whole Journey to Scale

All our Journey to Scale projects have been keeping video diaries of their progress. Watch them to see how the different projects have grown.

See the journey

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