Shaping the future: Our strategy for research and innovation in humanitarian response.

A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
Our purpose is clear: we work in partnership with a global community of humanitarian actors, researchers and innovators to improve the quality of humanitarian action and deliver better outcomes for people affected by crises.
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As their journey comes to an end, the three teams from our Journey to Scale initiative share their final video blogs.

These vlogs give a snippet into their current work and thoughts, while the wrap-around blogs give greater reflections on their experience in the Journey to Scale initiative and with Elrha as a whole.

This time the teams reflect on how things have changed for them over the last few years, what they’ve achieved in that time, and what’s next for them as they move forward.

The videos also include a wrap-up of the highlights from this 2-year initiative, so you can see how far they’ve come.

Translators without Borders

In the next stage of their journey Translators without Borders explore how common language services help improve the impact and reach of humanitarian action.

Read the full blog.

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Healing in Harmony

As they enter the final phase of their journey Healing in Harmony look back at how a belief formed 10 years ago – that music heals – has grown into a social franchise that is helping survivors of sexual violence across the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Read the full blog.

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Field Ready

“We’ve saved lives, made aid better and helped the humanitarian sector think and act differently.”

Field Ready examine how their scale journey has gone (from near term ‘scaling up’ to long-term ‘scaling out’) and everything they’ve achieved in-between.

Read the full blog.

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