Shaping the future: Our strategy for research and innovation in humanitarian response.

A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
Our purpose is clear: we work in partnership with a global community of humanitarian actors, researchers and innovators to improve the quality of humanitarian action and deliver better outcomes for people affected by crises.
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We have recently funded a collection of grantees, who had previously received funding from our HIF programme at the piloting and implementation stage, to support wider adoption outside of the innovation’s original setting. We are now happy to announce that eight applicants have been successfully awarded grant funding from our HIF through this call:

SaniTweaks: Sanitation Research Diffusion for maximum impact at at scale,  Oxfam GB

Oxfam is applying learning from its sanitation lighting & user-centred design action-research to field-test & diffuse a new suite of creative ‘Sani Tweaks’ materials across the WASH sector – ultimately to increase emergency latrine user satisfaction & rates of latrine use.

Supertowel large scale manufacturing setup,  Real Relief

SuperTowel is a highly efficient and antimicrobial durable fabric. It will be used for handwashing as substitute for soap and running water. With the second phase of funding they will build on proof of concept will be established in laboratory. Field test will also examine user-acceptance and required behaviour change communication.

Linking interventions to cultural ceremonies and practices to reduce intimate partner violence, J-PAL

The project targets a gap in humanitarian research and programming by developing and testing a novel intervention to reduce IPV in displaced Muslim communities in sub-Saharan Africa.

Faircap Water Filters Field Diffusion, Faircap

A low cost, small, portable antibacterial water filter that can be screwed into standard plastic bottles and can provide clean drinking water by filtering out sediment and bacteria to reduce gastrointestinal disease during emergency relief situations, refugee camps and poor urban and rural areas.

Love Clean Hands: Using Puppetry to Increase Participation in Handwashing Community Initiatives, No Strings International

No Strings International is developing a puppetry-based storytelling project around hand-washing with soap, through a broadcast-quality puppet film introducing key messages and a range of innovative, hands-on techniques that encourage meaningful community engagement for lasting behaviour change.

User-centred Emergency Sanitation Design, Save the Children UK

Save the Children UK and Eclipse Experience are piloting a user-centred engagement to be used in rapid-onset emergencies for the design of child-friendly sanitation facilities.

  • Assessing refugee health in camps and settlements in Northern Uganda: diffusion of Lot Quality Assurance Sampling from humanitarian settings in South Sudan
  • OCTOPUS (Operational Collaborative Tool of Ongoing Practices in Urgent Sanitation)

Assessing health and social capital in refugee settlements, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) is carrying out rapid assessments of health, social services, and social capital, in long-term refugee settlements in Northern Uganda to support the planning and coordination of humanitarian organisations’ critical response strategies.

OCTOPUS: Guidance on faecal sludge disposal in emergencies, Solidarites International

With research by BORDA, Solidarités International developed an online collaborative platform to support learning and decision-making regarding faecal sludge disposal in emergencies. The platform acts as a ‘one-stop shop’ tool for disseminating case studies from specific crises

Photo caption: Handwash event in a kindergarten in Tamil Nadu, India, where kids were taught how to use Supertowel. Credit: Real Relief. 

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