Shaping the future: Our strategy for research and innovation in humanitarian response.

A global organisation that finds solutions to complex humanitarian problems through research and innovation..
Our purpose is clear: we work in partnership with a global community of humanitarian actors, researchers and innovators to improve the quality of humanitarian action and deliver better outcomes for people affected by crises.
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About the event

As part of this year’s Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks (HNPW) we will be hosting a hybrid event to share emerging findings from our flagship initiative, the Global Prioritisation Exercise (GPE).   

A recent analysis revealed that global spending on research and innovation (R&I) remains low, with a lack of coordination in aligning funding to the most pressing issues. To address these challenges, we have launched a series of consultations, as part of the GPE, with a diverse range of stakeholders, including humanitarian practitioners, R&I actors, and funders working at the global, regional, national, and community levels to zoom in on different crises and draw insights into priorities. Informed by the findings from the multi-level global consultations, the event will explore issues and challenges confronting the sector, including:  

  • consideration of who has a seat at the decision-making table  
  • factors influencing priority-setting decisions   
  • why some issues and crises receive disproportionately more R&I attention than others.   


Our panel will feature individuals from the academic, humanitarian and funding spaces. 



  • Marian Abouzeid, Senior Research Fellow  at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University
  • Mark Bowden, Chair of the GPE Reference Group and Senior Research Associate with the Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute
  • Jess Camburn, CEO, Elrha
  • Anton Shevchenko, Independent Consultant
  • Maggie Schmitz, Division Chief, Private Sector Engagement, Diaspora and Innovation, USAID
  • Rita Rhayem, President of Sphere

Panellists will consider ways to overcome key challenges and how to transform the R&I sector to improve efficiency, equity and best inform humanitarian action.  

How to register

To participate, you need to register for our session on the HNPW website. Once you register you will receive further details on how to join in person or how to connect to our online discussion via Zoom. 

About the HNPW 2023

HNPW is co-hosted by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian  Affairs (OCHA) and by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).  It is the largest event of its kind, and provides a unique forum for humanitarian networks and partnerships to meet and address key humanitarian issues. 

You can find out more about HNPW 2023 and browse the full programme on the HNPW website.

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